大学英语过程写作超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG





大学英语过程写作超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG第1张


Week 1Why is brainstorming important?( )

At what point in the writing process should we brainstorm?( )

What are 6 types of brainstorming?( )

In which situation would a T Chart be the most effective form of brainstorming?( )

Outlining is ( ) in the writing process.

Among the following choices, which one can not be used as major supporting ideas?( )

How is a major supporting idea different from a minor one?( )

Among the following choices, which one can not be used as minor supporting ideas?( )

What are the three features of a thesis statement?( )

The parallel structure is the most important thing in outline.7

An outline is thoughts, rather than a paragraph. So we can just write down ideas rather than supporting sentences.

Week 3

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “My roommate said philosophy class is boring, and I felt the same too. All philosophy classes must be boring.”( )

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Even though it’s only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course”.( )

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Traffic jam can be solved by traffic control in the downtown area.”( )

Which one is not one of the three appeals of an argument that Aristotle postulated:( )

What is the difference between the major and minor premises?( )

Syllogism is a kind of deductive reasoning.( )

All fragile things are breakable things. Some glasses are fragile things. Therefore, ( )

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “Xiao Ming always cheats in exams. Xiao Ming is your friend. You always cheat in exams.”( )

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “We have a new Math teacher. And my Math turns out to be a disaster this semester. The new Math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ”( )

Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “we shouldn’t allow a liar like Zhao Zhi to represent us in this competition.( )

How to convert logical syllogism into written argument ?( )

What’s the structure of introduction?( )

How is a point-by-point style argumentative essay different from a block style argumentative essay regarding how they disprove opposing points of view?( )

What is one advantage of the block style of writing?( )

What is a characteristic of point by point style writing?( )

What are two ways that we can organize paragraphs according to this presentation?( )

When looking at our writing, we should ask ourselves if we are ________ two things from a certain perspective or ________ one subject.

Which style of citation is the most specific and why?( )

What are the two locations where citations can be found in a paper?( )

Which of the following is not a reason to provide proper citation?( )

When making citations at the end of a text, which lines must be indented?( )

Which of these is an example of MLA Citation?( )

What does procrastination mean?( )

In which situations should we use citation?( )

What are the two most commonly used citation styles?( )

Why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun?( )

Why should we be careful of the word be?( )

What are three synonyms for the word “say” ( )?( )

How do we tighten sentences?( )( )

1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas.

2、look for words that don’t do their share of the work

3、use strong verbs

4、Keep it clear and simple

What are the three ways to create powerful descriptive language?( )

When we say “sentence variety”, what can we vary?( )

Which one is more coherent?( )( )

Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash.( )

Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? ‘NOW, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. …Stick to Facts, Sir!’( )

Which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? Hemp’s environmental credentials are indisputable. It grows better in organic systems than in conventional ones. It smothers weeds and controls pests, clearing the land for other crops. It improves the structure of the soil, with strong roots to prevent erosion. If processed in the field, it returns nutrients to the land and purports to ‘clean up’ soil contaminated with heavy metals. It is one of a minority of textile-fibre crops that can be grown in temperate climates. So why, given its potential, is so little hemp used today? ( )( )

Which one is not a grammatical cohesion strategy?( )

What does “hyponymy” refers to?( )

Which thematic progression pattern has been used in this paragraph? The inventor of the diode valve was Fleming. He made use of the fact, first noticed by Edison, that an electric current could be made to flow across the empty space between the hot filament of an electric lamp and another metal electrode placed inside the evacuated bulb. This effect depends upon the thermionic emission of electrons from the heated metal filament. ( ). Electronics, p. 61)( )

Which lexical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? A big tree with a thick trunk and outspread branches was nearby, and taking care to leave not the slightest mark, he climbed up into the crotch, and stretching out on one of the broad limbs, after a fashion, rested…Something was coming through the bush, slowly, carefully, the same winding way Rainsford had come. He flattened himself down on the limb and through a screen of leaves, saw it was a man.( )

Which paragraph in the following is more coherent? ( )( )

Which grammatical cohesion strategy has been used in the following paragraph? I see traces of the turtle soup, and vension, and gold spoon in this. Yes, I do! Cried Mr. Bounderby, shaking his head with obstinate cunning. ‘By the Lord Harry, I do.’( )

What is the purpose of using cohesion strategies?( )

Which one is more formal? ( )( )

Which ones have used nominalization?( )

Nominalization is to turn a verb or an adjective into a noun.




