知到智慧树 英语阅读技巧与策略 答案满分完整版章节测试


绪论 单元测试

1、 材料:

Passage 1

Why Americans Like Guns

“More people in the USA can buy a gun and more people die by the gun than in any other country in the world.” This is what appeared in an American newspaper in December 1980, after the murder in New York of John Lennon, the British pop star. His murder shocked the Americans, most of whom are peace-loving and non-violent. However, most Americans today admit that they may possibly be robbed sometime during their lives. In 1980 there were about 23,000 murders in the USA. At the root of this violence is the gun. Americans can buy and keep a gun in their homes as easily as if it was a toy weapon.

There are gun stores pretty well everywhere. And you can get a permit easily. You don’t even have to say what you want it for. John Lennon’s murderer just walked into a gun store and bought a handgun, and no questions had been asked. You could even buy guns by mail order.

Why are Americans so eager to own a gun? Self-defense might be one reason. Actually Americans seem to have a long history of owing guns. Their ancestors had once used guns against criminals, cattle thieves, and the Indians. Today people want to use guns to protect themselves against gangsters, robbers and housebreakers. Another reason is that hunting is popular there.

Now many Americans want a new law to control the ownership of guns, especially handguns, but it doesn’t help. There is the National Rifle Association. There are 3 million members, and they have friends with influence in Congress. They also have strong support from the gun makers.

And many Americans themselves wouldn’t like to give up their guns. They think it is their right as free men to own a gun. It was written into the Constitution in 1790.

So the result is violence and murder. New York is a wonderful city, but male New Yorkers between the age of 21 and 44 are more likely to be murdered than to die of any other cause. Maybe this is why people have chains and peepholes in their doors. But still they do not feel safe.


According to the passage, many people in America have no difficulty buying a gun, which endangers their own lives.

答案: True


A new law in the US helps control the ownership of guns.

答案: False


The author mentions the example of John Lennon to show that _.

A:most Americans are peace-loving and non-violent
B:it is very easy for Americans to buy guns, which prove to be the root of murder
C: Americans are greatly shocked by the sudden appearance of the British pop star
D:most Americans have the experience of being robbed
答案: it is very easy for Americans to buy guns, which prove to be the root of murder


Americans are very eager to buy a gun because _.

A:they can protect themselves if they are attacked
B:they can use it to maintain the safety of the society
C:they regard it as their favorite toy weapon
D:they can defend themselves against the police
答案: they can protect themselves if they are attacked


From paragraph 4, it can be learnt that _.

A:the Congress has the right to control the ownership of guns
B:gun makers have the strong support of controlling the gun ownership
C:at least 3 million Americans agree to give up their guns
D:the National Rifle Association supports the control of the gun ownership
答案: the Congress has the right to control the ownership of guns

2、 材料:

Passage 2


How to Select a Home Computer

Computers can do many things: teaching, playing games, or helping with a business, so choosing a computer is not an easy, simple job. But if you follow these steps, you will find it easier.

First, decide on the main reasons why you want a computer. Is this computer very useful for you? Is it the most important reason to play games or to help with your business or to help with your schoolwork?

Second, look carefully at the programs computers can use. Some people also write their own programs. If you want to write your own, it is important to look at the computer language. Is it easy to learn?

Third, decide on the smallest, or the least needs you have for your computer. What are the characteristics you would like to have for your computer? For example, do you want a typewriter keyboard? Is a color display important to you? Your use of computer will help you decide which characteristics are necessary, which are nice, and which are unnecessary.

Fourth, when you have limited your choices to a few computers, look at the secondary uses and programs. For example, if your main reason for buying a home computer is to play games, you may take computer A instead of computer B because computer A also can be used as a word processor.

Fifth, think of the price. There are prices to think about. The first price is the price you must pay to take the computer home. The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions that you might want to buy at a later date.

Be sure to try out the computer before you buy it. Sales people at computer shops are happy to help you choose the computer that will best fit your needs and cost you least.


When you buy a computer, you have to take into consideration what you will pay for the computer and for the things to go with it.

答案: True


Small things such as the keyboard and the display have the least influence upon your choice of the computer.

答案: False


Sales people are ready to help you choose the computer that _.

A:is the most suitable for you

costs you most

C:can help you with your business

All the other choices are correct

答案: is the most suitable for you


The most important thing to consider when buying a computer is _.

A:the main reasons why you buy a computer
B:the characteristics of the computer that are nice
C:the computer language
D:the price of the computer and additional programs
答案: the main reasons why you buy a computer


You can tell whether certain characteristics of the computer are necessary or not on the basis of _.

A:your main uses of the computer
B:the computer language
C:the programs the computer can use
D:your secondary uses of the computer
答案: your main uses of the computer

第一章 单元测试

1、 材料:

Tracking Time
How was a year defined in Prehistoric times? No one knows for sure, but it is thought that people might have used monuments, such as Stonehenge in England, to track the sun’s position in the sky in order to measure the length of a year.

The early Romans created a calendar based on the cycles of the moon. However, when Julius Caesar became Emperor of Rome around 45 B.C., he introduced the Julian calendar. This calendar marked time by measuring the Earth’s revolution around the sun.

A few centuries later, Pope Gregory XIII appointed a team of learned men to help make the Julian calendar more accurate. It became known as the Gregorian calendar, and it is the system we still use today to chart the passage of a year.


Who introduced the Julian calendar?

A:Pope Gregory XIII
B:prehistoric people
C:Julius Caesar
答案: Julius Caesar


What might monuments like Stonehenge have been used for?

A: to track the moon
B:to track the sun
C:to track the Earth
答案: to track the sun


Why did Pope Gregory XIII appoint a team of men to revise the calendar?

A:He didn’t like Caesar
B:no reason 
C:for accuracy
答案: for accuracy


When did we stop using the Gregorian calendar?

A:We still use it today.
B: in prehistoric times
C: in 45 B.C.
答案: We still use it today.


Where is Stonehenge located

A:in the U.S.A
B:in Rome
C:in England
答案: in England

2、 材料:

It is clear that the United States is a nation that needs to eat healthier and slim down. One of the most important steps in the right direction would be for school cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for students. In every town and city, an abundance of fast-food restaurants lure teenage customers with fast, inexpensive, and tasty food, but these foods are typically unhealthy. Unfortunately, school cafeterias—in an effort to provide food that is appetizing to young people—mimic fast food menus, often serving items such as burgers and fries, pizza, hot dogs, and fried chicken. While these foods do provide some nutritional value, they are relatively high in fat. Many of the lunch selections school cafeterias currently offer could be made healthier with a few simple and inexpensive substitutions. Veggie burgers, for example, offered alongside beef burgers, would be a positive addition. A salad bar would also serve the purpose of providing a healthy and satisfying meal. And tasty grilled chicken sandwiches would be a far better option than fried chicken. Additionally, the beverage case should be stocked with containers of low-fat milk.


According to the passage, which of the following options would make healthy, low-fat additions to a school cafeteria’s offerings?

A:veggie burgers
B: fries
C:stir-fried vegetables
D:salad bar
E: low-fat milk
G:grilled chicken sandwiches
答案: veggie burgers
salad bar
 low-fat milk
grilled chicken sandwiches


The meaning of mimic is

答案: copy.


The fast-food restaurants described in the article are noted for serving

A:tasty, inexpensive food.
B:home-cooked meals at an inexpensive price.
C:seafood specialties.
D:veggie burgers and salads.
答案: tasty, inexpensive food.


“One of the most important steps in the right direction would be for school cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for students” is a topic sentence.

答案: True

3、 材料:

Robert Johnson is the best blues guitarist of all time. There is little information available about this legendary blues guitarist, and the information is as much rumor as fact. What is indisputable, however, is Johnson’s tremendous impact on the world of rock and roll. Some consider Johnson the father of modern rock: His influence extends to artists from Muddy Waters to Led Zeppelin, from the Rolling Stones to the Allman Brothers Band. Eric Clapton has called Johnson the most important blues musician who ever lived. Considering his reputation, it is hard to believe that Johnson recorded only 29 songs before his death in 1938, purportedly at the hands of a jealous husband. He was only 27 years old, yet he left an indelible mark on the music world. Again and again, contemporary rock artists return to Johnson, whose songs capture the very essence of the blues, transforming our pain and suffering with the healing magic of his guitar. Rock music wouldn’t be what it is today without Robert Johnson.


According to the passage, from what musical tradition did Robert Johnson emerge?

C:rock and roll
答案: blues


Johnson died in

答案: 1938.


Johnson influenced many rock artists, including Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.

答案: True


Contemporary rock artists turn to Robert Johnson for

A:musical influence.
B:recovery from painful injuries.
C:life lessons.
答案: musical influence.


The most appropriate title for this article would be

A:“Blues Guitar Legend Robert Johnson
B:The World’s Greatest Musician
C:A Fleeting Life”
答案: “Blues Guitar Legend Robert Johnson

4、 材料:

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming. When I first heard about the state’s plan to build an oil storage facility and recycling plant near White River, I thought of the weekends my family spent there every summer when I was a kid. We’d camp out and fish, swim, and explore caves in the nearby woods. My grandfather taught me how to fish there. And he and I spent hours hiking in the woods, where I learned to identify local plants and animals.
The river and the land around it were both familiar and unique. I learned a lot there from my grandfather, and today, I’m a grandfather. I take my grandchildren there, but it’s changed. There aren’t as many fish, and some animals no longer inhabit the woods. According to Dr. Ima Expert, that’s because “they find it difficult to adjust to constant noise from new highways and to avoid dangers from trash left by careless hikers.” My grandkids and I usually spend at least one weekend each summer cleaning up after folks who recklessly leave plastic materials that harm animals.
 Now, we face the danger of losing more animals from possible oil spills at the proposed facility! Our river and the animals need to be protected and preserved. The danger is real, and only we, the people, can stop it. If we allow our rich natural resources to be destroyed, our lives will be forever changed. We won’t be able to undo what we have done. These new facilities will discharge waste into the river. That will impact not only our part of the river but all of it as it travels toward the ocean. Animals and nearby soil will become contaminated.
 We must protect our environment. So I ask each of you to join us in trying to stop the project. Please write, call, or e-mail local elected officials, and federal officials, to register your concerns. And if you really care about the environment, please join us next Saturday in a protest march to the state capital. Leading us will be TV star Mark MiWords. He grew up around here and says, “We must make sure that our grandchildren’s grandchildren will be able to share the same experiences we had on the river as kids.” Please, join us. Thank you.


What does the author of this speech want people to do?

A:help to raise money to restock the river with fish
B:help to stop the building of oil and recycling plants by the river
C:help to raise money to build oil and recycling plants by the river
D: help to stop the building of a new middle school
答案: help to stop the building of oil and recycling plants by the river


Which of these does the author NOT use?

A:glittering generalities
B:expert opinion
C: name calling
答案:  name calling


Which of these is NOT an opinion?

A:The state has plans to build an oil storage plant.
B:The plant will ruin the environment forever.
C:Mark MiWords is a really great actor.
D:If you care about the environment, you’ll join our cause.
答案: The state has plans to build an oil storage plant.


Which of these is an opinion and cannot be proved true?

A:Oil can pollute water.
B:There is a highway close to the forest.
C:There are less fish in White River today.
D:You can have hours of fun by the river.
答案: You can have hours of fun by the river.

5、 材料:


(1) It’s a lazy Saturday. I’m happy just hanging out . . . doing nothing. Then my little brother runs into my room and announces, “We’re going to the park!”
(2) “Have fun,” I reply.
(3) “No! Get up and get ready!” he whines, and pulls my arm. “Dad said we’re going to make a day of it . . . the whole family!”
(4) Dad drops us off by the park entrance and goes to park the car. I help Mom unload the picnic basket onto a table. She’s packed a huge covered plate of sandwiches, a bowl of fruit, bags of chips, lots of cookies, and a gigantic pitcher of iced tea. Mom always makes extra “just in case . . . ,” whatever that means!
(5) “Before we eat, will you help me fly my new kite?” pleads my brother. With a sigh, I take his hand and lead him to a good spot for flying kites. Soon the kite’s airborne and looping through the sky! Suddenly, it’s harder to spot because it floats behind a tree.
(6) “Is it lost forever?” asks my brother.
(7) “No, just hiding. There . . . see . . . it’s back!” I chuckle as the kite pops back into view.
(8) “Dude!” I hear someone behind me say. “Just the guy I was looking for!” I turn to find Chris, one of my best friends.
(9) “I thought you went to visit your uncle this weekend!” I say.
(10) “No, he had to go away on business, so I’ll catch him another time,” Chris replies. “Nice kite,” he adds, “but I was hoping to play ball today.”
(11) “I’m in,” I answer. “We’re about to stop. My brother wants Dad to push him on a swing.”
(12) So we find more friends to play ball. Suddenly, it’s the last inning, the game is tied, and I’m at bat. I see Mom waving me to come for lunch, so there’s nothing to do but hit a homer! I swing, hear the crack of the bat, and head for home plate. Then I invite the other kids to join us for lunch . . . knowing Mom had made extra! I guess this was the “just in case!”


What is the meaning of the word park as used in the first paragraph?

A:leave a car in a parking lot
B:an open, public area of land used for recreation
C:an arctic jacket
D:sit down
答案: leave a car in a parking lot


Which is NOT a meaning of plate as used in the story?

A: tray
B:coat with metal
D:marker for a base
答案: coat with metal


Which of the following words from paragraph 5 is a multiple-meaning word?

答案: spot


The meaning of back as used in paragraph 7 is

A: “the opposite of front.”
B:“to return.”
C:“to sponsor or give money to.”
D:“a piece connected to the seat of a chair.”
答案: “to return.”

6、 材料:

Among the following eight sentences are two topic sentences. The other sentences are supporting sentences. Choose the two topic sentences.


Choose the  topic sentence.

A:Others, like traffic duty, put police officers at very little risk.
B:Not all police duties are dangerous.
C:Still other duties, like investigating accidents, leave officers free of danger.
D:Some duties, like writing reports, have no risk at all.
答案: Not all police duties are dangerous.


Choose the  topic sentence.

A:Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy many amenities.
B:In addition, the lobby has a dry cleaner, an ATM, and a coffee shop
C:For example, there is a pool on the top floor.
D:Finally, there is a concierge on duty 24 hours a day.
答案: Tenants of the luxury apartment building enjoy many amenities.

第二章 单元测试

1、 材料:

There are several changes in the procedure for employees who wish to apply for vacant positions within the company. These changes make it much easier for in-house employees to fill vacancies that occur.
First, the most important difference is that employees will now be notified of all available positions before the positions are advertised for the general public. Accordingly, all in – house candidates will be interviewed before we see any outside candidates, and we will offer the job to outside candidates only if no current employees are able to fill the position.
Second, under the new procedure, in – house employees can be hired even if they don’t meet all job requirements. Under our old policy, in – house employees had to meet all job qualifications in order to obtain the vacant position. Now, however, employees who have proven themselves dedicated to the company will be hired for a vacant position even if they are lacking some minor qualifications; training will be provided.
A third change involves recommendations. From now on, employees do not need to be recommended for an in – house position before they apply. Instead, employees may apply as soon as they are aware of the vacancy. The remaining procedures and policies (those regarding increase in pay, interview procedure, and hiring approval) remain the same.


Which two organizational strategies does this writer use?

A:cause and effect
B:chronological order
C:order of importance
D:compare and contrast
答案: order of importance
compare and contrast


The author organizes her ideas in order of

A:increasing importance (least important to most important).
B:decreasing importance (most important to least important).
答案: decreasing importance (most important to least important).


The sentence you underlined is a(n)

答案: opinion

2、 材料:

There were several reasons behind our decision to move to Flemington. The first occurred about 18 months ago when Mark and I decided to start a family. We were living in a one-bedroom apartment and we knew that we wanted to move into larger quarters before we had a baby. We began to look at houses. Then, much sooner than expected, I got pregnant. Soon after that, Mark’s company announced that they were relocating to Flemington, which was in a less expensive part of the state, about 90 miles south of us. Mark’s company had been good to him, and they were one of the few around with excellent benefits, family friendly policies, and a child-care center on site. With a baby on the way, these things were imperative for us. Since I ran my graphic arts business from home, I wasn’t bound to any particular place, so we began looking at real estate in Flemington and also did some research on their school system as well as the overall community. We were very excited about what we found—reasonable housing costs, great schools, and a lively town. Mark then accepted the relocation offer and we found a beautiful old Tudor house. We’ll be moving about a month before the baby is due. Let’s hope she doesn’t decide to come early.


Which two organizational strategies does this writer use?

A: compare and contrast
B: order of importance
C:cause and effect
D:chronological order
答案: cause and effect
chronological order


Imperative means

A:pressing, crucial.
B:trivial, unimportant.
C: luxurious, lavish.
答案: pressing, crucial.


 After the writer and her husband decided to start a family, the following events occurred in this order:

A: The writer got pregnant.
B:Mark accepted the relocation offer.
C:They found a house.
D:Mark’s company announced plan to relocate.
E:They began to look at houses.
F:The couple began researching real estate, schools, and community life in Flemington.
答案:  The writer got pregnant.
Mark accepted the relocation offer.
They found a house.
Mark’s company announced plan to relocate.
They began to look at houses.
The couple began researching real estate, schools, and community life in Flemington.

3、 材料:

Paragraph A
Mandatory school uniforms are a bad decision for our district. If students are required to wear a uniform, it will greatly inhibit their ability to express themselves. This is a problem because dress is one of the major ways that young people express themselves. A school uniform policy also directly violates the freedom of expression that all Americans are supposed to enjoy. Consequently, young people will doubt that their basic rights are protected, and this will affect their larger outlook on civil liberties. Furthermore, school uniforms will interfere with the wearing of certain articles of religious clothing, which will create tensions among certain religious groups that can lead to feelings of discrimination. In addition, school uniforms will place an undue financial burden on many low-income families who may not have the money to spend on new uniforms every year, especially if they have several children. Finally, school uniforms will negate one of the most important concepts we can teach our children—individuality. When push comes to shove, we’d all be better off choosing individuality over uniformity. Mandatory school uniforms are a step in the wrong direction.
Paragraph B
Mandatory school uniforms will have a tremendously positive impact on our district. If students are required to wear a uniform, it will greatly inhibit gang behavior since they will no longer be able to wear gang colors. As a result, schools will experience an overall decrease in school violence and theft. Since violence is one of the major concerns that parents, teachers, and students raise about our district, this change will be welcomed with open arms. In addition, school uniforms will instill a much-needed sense of discipline in our student body, and discipline is something that is, unfortunately, in short supply in our school district. Also, students dressed in uniforms will feel a strong sense of community with their peers, which will lead to a more harmonious school environment. Finally, if students were wearing school uniforms, administrators and teachers would no longer have to be clothing police, freeing them to focus on more important issues than whether someone is wearing a dress that is too short or a T-shirt with an inappropriate message. You can make our schools a better place by supporting mandatory school uniforms.


What effects does the author of paragraph A think mandatory uniforms would have?


A school uniform policy also directly violates the freedom of expression that all Americans are supposed to enjoy.


School uniforms will place an undue financial burden on many low-income families.


Mandatory school uniforms will greatly inhibit their ability to express themselves.


School uniforms will negate our children—individuality.


A school uniform policy also directly violates the freedom of expression that all Americans are supposed to enjoy.

School uniforms will place an undue financial burden on many low-income families.

Mandatory school uniforms will greatly inhibit their ability to express themselves.

School uniforms will negate our children—individuality.


What effects does the author of paragraph B think mandatory uniforms would have?

A:Students were wearing school uniforms, administrators and teachers would no longer have to be clothing police.
B:Students dressed in uniforms will feel a strong sense of community with their peers.
C:School uniforms will instill a much-needed sense of discipline in our student body.
D:A uniform will greatly inhibit gang behavior since they will no longer be able to wear gang colors.
答案: Students were wearing school uniforms, administrators and teachers would no longer have to be clothing police.
Students dressed in uniforms will feel a strong sense of community with their peers.
School uniforms will instill a much-needed sense of discipline in our student body.
A uniform will greatly inhibit gang behavior since they will no longer be able to wear gang colors.

4、 材料:

There are a number of reasons why the current voting age of 18 should be lowered to 16. First, a lower voting age in the United States would encourage other countries to follow this example. Many countries are discussing and debating the pros and cons of lowering the voting age, and if the United States gives 16-year-olds the right to vote, it will serve as an important example for the rest of the world.
More importantly, if 16-year-olds are old enough to engage in other adult activities, then they are old enough to vote. In many states, 16-year-olds can work, get a driver’s license, and engage in many other adult activities that make them mature enough to vote. If, at 16, young people are old enough to manage the responsibilities of work and school, then it is clear that they are responsible enough to make informed decisions about politics and politicians.
But the most important reason why the voting age should be lowered to 16 is that it will decrease apathy and cynicism while stimulating a lifelong interest in political participation. Many young people feel as though their opinion doesn’t matter. By the time they reach voting age, they are often disenchanted with politics and cynical about the entire political process. If the voting age were lowered to 16, young people would know that their opinion does count. They would be inspired to exercise their right to vote not just as young adults but throughout their lives. The long-term results—a much higher percentage of interested voters and better voter turnout—will benefit our entire nation.


 What’s the most important thing that the voting age should be lowered in the order in which they are listed in the passage?

A:A lower voting age in the United States would encourage other countries to follow this example.
B:The voting age should be lowered to 16 is that it will decrease apathy and cynicism while stimulating a lifelong interest in political participation.
C: 16-year-olds are old enough to vote.
答案: The voting age should be lowered to 16 is that it will decrease apathy and cynicism while stimulating a lifelong interest in political participation.


 What’s the least important thing that the voting age should be lowered in the order in which they are listed in the passage?

A:16-year-olds are old enough to vote.
B:A lower voting age in the United States would encourage other countries to follow this example.
C:The voting age should be lowered to 16 is that it will decrease apathy and cynicism while stimulating a lifelong interest in political participation.
答案: A lower voting age in the United States would encourage other countries to follow this example.

5、 材料:

Suppose you were going to write a paragraph that compares and contrasts readers and detectives. The following lists describe 3 aspects of being a reader and 4 aspects of being a detective. Find three items in a detective list to matching 1-3 items of a reader.


A reader:

1. looks for clues to meaning.

A:doesn’t get to choose which cases to work on.
B:gets better at solving crimes with each case.
C:requires lots of training.
D:looks for clues to solve the crime.
答案: looks for clues to solve the crime.


A reader:

2. can choose what book to read.

A:gets better at solving crimes with each case.
B:looks for clues to solve the crime.
C:requires lots of training.
D:doesn’t get to choose which cases to work on.
答案: doesn’t get to choose which cases to work on.


A reader:

3.becomes a better reader with each book.

A:gets better at solving crimes with each case.
B:doesn’t get to choose which cases to work on.
C:looks for clues to solve the crime.
D:requires lots of training.
答案: gets better at solving crimes with each case.







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