商务英语(郑州科技学院)1450334265 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版




The creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin Bride is an example of     ‏    __________ . ‏‎‏

A: brand stretching   
B: brand loyalty   
C: brand awareness  
D: brand equity
答案:  brand stretching   

Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are showing ‏    __________ .‏

A: brand stretching   
B: brand loyalty  
C:  brand awareness  
D:  brand equity
答案:  brand loyalty  

 The use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of ​    ___________ . ​‏​

A: product endorsement 
B:  product placement  
C:     product cycle   
D:    product range
答案:   product placement  

Cheap but good Chinese products have brought ___________ to Americans by giving them  ‌     more choices and reducing the country’s inflation rate. ‌​‌

A: intangible benefits  
B:      tangible benefits  
C:    outsource   
D:     disadvantage
答案:       tangible benefits  

Not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spend a lot more on raising___________ .‌

A: brand stretching  
B:     brand loyalty   
C:     brand awareness   
D:   brand equity
答案:      brand awareness   

David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of ___________ . ​​

A:  product endorsement  
B:       product placement  
C:      product cycle   
D:    product range
答案:   product endorsement  

    ___________ refers to the value, both tangible and intangible, that a brand adds to a ‌    product/service.‌

A:  Brand loyalty   
B: Brand awareness   
C:  Brand equity   
D:  Brand name
答案:   Brand equity   

 __________ refer to the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average  ​    age, income, education, etc.​  ​

A: Focus group   
B:     Customers         
C:    Stockers          
D:   Demographics
答案:    Demographics

The Toblerone ________ contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain, ‏    which is where Toblerone originally came from.‏  ‏

A: logo       
B:  brand              
C:   name               
D: slogan
答案:  logo       

For example, if a company has 1.5 million shares outstanding at a share price of $25, its ‏     ___________ is $37.5 million.‏‎‏

A: market cap     
B:   profit                 
C:   maximum value        
D:  capital
答案:  market cap     

In order to take helpful notes during class, it is important to understand your instructors’ style of lecturing.‏​‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‌      Note-taking should take place during class.‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

‏      If textbook assignments are boring, the student does not have to complete them.‎

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

It is essential for students to take good notes during class because studies show that we forget 50% of what hear immediately after.​​​

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  错误

Before a class begins, it is important to review notes from reading assignments and previous  ‏   lectures.‏‎‏

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案:  正确

‏Directions: Complete the response to Jack’s questions below.‍ ‍Why don’t we    In my opinion   How about     I’m afraid   I see   I think ‍ ‍‏ ‍Jack: The proposal is the we change our logo and rethink our brand image. So, what are your views ‍on this.‍Mary: ____________ (1), this is the only way to solve our current problems.‍
答案:  In my opinion

Directions: Complete the response to Jack’s questions below.​ ​Why don’t we    In my opinion   How about     I’m afraid   I see   I think​ ​John: ____________ (2) focus on our brand image first? That’s the key issue!​‎​‎​
答案:  Why don’t we

‏Directions: Complete the response to Jack’s questions below.‍ ‍Why don’t we    In my opinion   How about     I’m afraid   I see   I think ‍ ‍Andy: ____________ (3) I can’t agree. What we need is a wider product range.‍‏‍
答案:  I’m afraid

‍Directions: Complete the response to Jack’s questions below.‏ ‏Why don’t we    In my opinion   How about     I’m afraid   I see   I think ‏ ‏Clara: ____________ (4) dong both? We can stretch our brand and improve our image at the same  time.‏‍‏
答案:  How about

‏Directions: Complete the response to Jack’s questions below.‌ ‌Why don’t we    In my opinion   How about     I’m afraid   I see   I think ‌ ‌      Victor: ____________ (5) what you mean, but we’ve got to start somewhere, and a new image is more important at this stage.‌‏‌
答案:  I see


1.     Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?‎

A:  Strengths and Weaknesses 
B: Opportunities and Threats 

C: Strengths and Opportunities 

D: Weaknesses and Threats 

答案:   Strengths and Weaknesses 

2. Which of the following is false regarding why a SWOT Analysis is used?‎

A:  To build on the strengths of a business 

B: To minimize the weaknesses of a business 

C: To reduce opportunities available to a business 
D:                    To counteract threats to a business 
答案:  To reduce opportunities available to a business 

3. Which of the following could be a strength?‍

A: Weather           
B: New international market
C: A price that is too high

D:       The location of a business
答案:        The location of a business

4. Which of the following could be a weakness?

A: A developing market such as the Internet

B: Competitors with access to better channels of distribution
C: Poor quality of goods and services

D:       Special marketing expertise 
答案:  Poor quality of goods and services

5. Which of the following could be an opportunity?

A: Having quality processes and procedures

B: Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits
C: Damaged reputation

D: A new competitor in your home market
答案:  Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits



‏Travel happens with or without luggage, and it can be one way or ________ trip.‍

A: around
B: round
C: back
D: odd
答案:  round

‍If you go abroad, you need your ________ as one of your travel documents.‌

A: passport
B: money
C: insurance
D: credit card
答案:  passport

‏In customer loyalty program, customers are often given a unique ______, such as a membership card.​

A: reward
B: letter
C: identifier
D: badge
答案:  identifier

‍Loyalty programs could _________.‏

A: largely increase investment
B: decrease the company’s fame
C: strengthen the relationship with customers
D: disturv the management
答案:  strengthen the relationship with customers

‎According to the video, English listening is influenced by________.‏

A: speaking speed
B: noisy environment
C: the listener’s emotion
D: the listener’s grammar
答案:  speaking speed

​Dealing with a customer’s complaints, you should_______________.‍

A: repeat back what you are hearing to show that you have listened
B: keep on asking questions to dig out the truth
C: always stand on your company to defend its benefits
D:  be very serious towards your customer
答案:  repeat back what you are hearing to show that you have listened

‎The letter to point out a mistake by the letter’s recipient is called the letter of _______.‍

A: complaint
B: order
C: request
D: application
答案:  complaint

‌________ is/ are directly shown in the chart or graph.‌

A: The general tendency
B: Time periods
C: Similarities and differences 
D: The future trend
答案:  Time periods

​“Do in Rome as Romans do” means when we travel, we should________.‌

A: do as the local people do according to their customs, traditions and culture
B: behave as we like in a foreign place
C: do as the tourist guide suggests
D: do as we are in our hometown
答案:  do as the local people do according to their customs, traditions and culture

​In the first paragraph of a business letter, you should introduce yourself and your ______. ‏

A: interest on the company
B:  purpose of writing this letter
C: good wish for the relationship between two companies
D: impression on the company 
答案:   purpose of writing this letter

‍Before you make a complaint, __________. ‍

A: try to expose your experience to the social media
B: try to get to know the company’s history
C: try to figure out who is in charge
D: try to show your anger
答案:  try to figure out who is in charge

​According to the video, we can use the context, grammar and ______ to help us understand what others are talking about. ‌

A: imagination
B: non-vocal information
C: anticipation
D: clothes
答案:  non-vocal information

‌Try to deal with customers’ complaints with a sense of _______. ‏

A: emergence
B: emergency
C: emergent
D: urgent
答案:  emergency

​Direction: Arrange these options to form an anwer to a complaining message. Each option should be used only once. ‏​A. I hope you can understand. ‏​B. Thank you for choosing our company.‏​C. But we will send you a special gift as compensation and we will enhance the training of our employees to offer better and more comfortable services. ‏​D. I’m sorry about your broken luggage and the impolite treatment from our manager on duty. ‏​E. I’m afraid that what you can get is just a new bag because we have our regulations and our policy. ‏
答案:  DEACB

‏Direction: Arrange these options to form an answer to a complaining message. Each option should be used only once. ‎‏A. Because our airline hasn’t finished the replacement of all the old airplanes, a few are still working.‎‏B. We will offer a 50% discount for your next trip from Barcelona to NY as compensation.‎‏C. I believe you will have a better travel experience in the future with the new airplane and good services. ‎‏D. I’m sorry for your awful travel experience! ‎‏E. Thank you for your criticism! ‎‏F. I’m afraid your flight is the one. ‎

‌Directions: Please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers.‍‌points programs,  2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs,   5.punch programs‍‌‍‌_______ Customers are rewarded a product or service of equal or lesser value free of charge for purchasing a particular product or service with “punches.”‍
答案:  5

Directions: Please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers.‏‍points programs,  2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs,   5.punch programs‏‍________The programs let customers accumulate points that they can redeem for rewards or free products/services.‏
答案:  1

‌​Directions: Please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers.​‌points programs,  2. spend programs, 3. tiered programs, 4. paid programs,   5.punch programs​_________ The programs give customers rewards based on different levels of spending or points.​‌​
答案:  3

Directions: Please match the loyalty programs with their content and fill the blanks with the correspondent numbers.&lr








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