中国大学mooc慕课INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 跨文化传播(暨南大学) 答案


Chapter 1 Introduction 跨文化传播导读 第一章单元测验

1、 What is NOT a reason mentioned in this course for studying intercultural communication?以下哪一项不是本节课中提到的学习跨文化传播的原因?

答案: To assert personal and group identities.强调个性化与单个群体的特点。

2、 Which of the following developments is NOT an example that we are now living in a global village?以下哪一项不属于我们如今生活在地球村中的表现?

答案: Increasing global mobility, such as migration and tourism, paradoxically consolidate local boundaries.不断增强的全球流动性(如移民和旅游业),反而增强了本地社群及其居民的的边界感

3、 A healthy community is  made up of individuals who:一个健康的社群成员主要包括以下哪一类人:

答案: Work collectively for the benefit of everyone.为群体中所有人的利益共同奋斗

4、 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of intercultural communication for personal growth?以下哪一项不属于跨文化交际对于个人成长的益处?

答案: Recognise that people from different cultures do not have much in common.认为来自不同文化背景的人没有什么超越文化差异的共同之处

5、 Which of the following cases is an example of failed intercultural communication?以下哪一项是失败的跨文化交际的案例?

答案: Using the “thumb-up” gesture to communicate the meaning of “good job” in all intercultural context.在所有的跨文化语境中都使用竖起大拇指的手势来表示“做得不错”的意思

6、 The term “globalisation”’ originally implied an emerging development, a work in progress, but now can be characterised as both an existing condition and a continuing dynamic.“全球化”一词最初描述一种新的发展模式、一项正在进行的工作,但现在可以被用来形容一种既存的状态,并保持着持续的活力。

答案: 正确

7、 “Ko-ke-ko-le” (“可口可乐”) is a better Chinese translation of Coca Cola than “Ke-dou-ken-la” (“蝌蚪啃蜡”) because it is more phonetically equivalent to the English brand name than the other translation. 相较于“蝌蚪啃蜡”,“可口可乐”是对“coca cola”的更准确的翻译,这是因为它在音韵上比其他的翻译更贴近该产品的英文品牌名称。

答案: 错误

8、 International tensions in the world reduce the need for people to find new ways of cooperating and managing intercultural encounters.世界紧张局势减少了人们寻求合作、寻求跨文化交际新方式的需求。

答案: 错误

9、 The big challenge we face now is how migrants and locals can work together to promote a genuine and healthy community.我们现如今面临的巨大挑战是移居者和当地人如何努力共创一个真正健康的社群。

答案: 正确

10、 Since most skills and knowledge about intercultural communication come from lived experience, they cannot be learned.既然关于跨文化交际中的大多数技巧和知识来自于现实的实践与体验中,那么它们就是无法被习得的。

答案: 错误

11、 While intercultural communication often leads to misunderstanding and conflict, it also paves the way to personal, local, and global changes, growth, and innovation.虽然跨文化交际可能会导致误解和冲突,但它同时也有助于个人、地方以及全球范围内的变革、增长和创新发展。

答案: 正确

12、 Observing the lives of others helps us understand how we conduct our own lives.当观察别人的生活时,我们开始了解自己是如何生活的。

答案: 正确

Chapter 2 Culture and Communication 文化与传播 单元测验

1、 What is culture, according to studies of intercultural communication?根据跨文化传播研究,什么是文化?

答案: The particular way of life that defines the people who follow it.独特的生活方式将定义采取这种生活方式的群体

2、 Which of the following statements about the sharedness of culture is FALSE?以下哪一项关于文化共享性的说法是错误的?

答案: That all humans eat, sleep and laugh is a proof for the sharedness of culture.所有人都需要吃饭、睡觉、大笑是文化共享性的证据

3、 Which of the following examples is NOT a cultural symbol?以下哪一项不属于文化表征的例子?

答案: A lightning bolt that signals the incoming storm.闪电预示着即将到来的暴风雨

4、 Which of the following behaviours belongs to informal cultural learning?以下哪一项行为属于非正式文化学习?

答案: Chat with your grandmother and learn about her life stories.和你的奶奶交谈,并了解她的人生故事

5、 Which of the following cases is NOT an example of cultural diffusion?以下哪一项不是文化传播的案例?

答案:  The invention of the electric bulb by Thomas Edison.托马斯·爱迪生的电灯泡的发明

6、 Which of the following examples is a social organisation?以下哪一项是社会组织的例子?

答案: All A, B and C are social organisations.A,B和C都属于社会组织

7、 Which of the following is NOT an element of culture?以下哪一项不是文化的组成要素?

答案: Human intelligence人的智力

8、 Which of the following statements is NOT a function of communication?以下哪一项不属于传播的功能?

答案: Communication eliminates cultural differences传播消除文化差异

9、 What do we mean by saying that communication is dynamic?“传播过程是动态的”,这句话的意思指的是什么?

答案: Communication is an ongoing process, one message is immediately replaced by another in temporal orders.传播是一个持续进行的过程,一条消息发出后会按照时间顺序被另一条取代

10、 Which of the following cases is an example of the habitual consequence of communication?以下哪一项是传播惯性后果的例子?

答案: You acquire your gender role without noticing where they come from.你接纳了自己的性别角色,但并不知道这种角色源自哪里

11、 When we say that “once you hit the send button, there is no way to retrieve it”, we mean that:当我们说“一旦你按下发送键,就没有撤回的机会了”这句话,意思是:

答案: Communication is irreversible传播进程是不可逆的

12、 Which of the following things can serve as intrinsic motivation to the studies of intercultural communication?以下哪一项是进行跨文化传播研究的内在动因?

答案: Alternative insights about people and the world关于人类和世界的另一种视角

13、 What is a cultural general approach to the studies of intercultural communication?什么是跨文化传播研究的一般方法?

答案: You learn the universal influences of culture on human behaviours.你可以习得文化对于人类行为的普遍影响

14、 What intercultural skills we are talking about when we say that one needs to “dance to the tune that is played”?当我们说一个人应该“随着节奏起舞”的时候,指的是何种跨文化交流的技巧?

答案: Communication flexibility.沟通的灵活性

15、 What should you do if you find the other people’s behaviours ambiguous and confusing in intercultural communication?如果在跨文化交流的过程中你发现其他人的行为是模棱两可的、令你困惑的,你应该怎么做?

答案: Suspend your judgement about the behaviours that confuses you, while observing carefully to understand the cultural meaning and mechanisms behind these behaviours.暂停对让你感到困惑的行为的判断,同时仔细观察以了解这些行为背后的文化含义和机制

16、 You cannot learn about your culture without communication.没有沟通将无法了解自己所处的文化。

答案: 正确

17、 You can identify the culture difference between people by observing how they use language.你可以通过观察人们使用语言的方式来识别人与人之间的文化差异。

答案: 正确

18、 Metropolitan cities have more culture than small towns.大城市比小城镇具有更多样的文化。

答案: 错误

19、 Symbols have inherent connections to the things they refer to.符号与它们所指的事物有着内在的联系。

答案: 错误

20、 Although most cultures are learned, some elements of culture are innate.尽管大多数文化是习得的,但文化的某些要素是与生俱来的。

答案: 错误

21、 In many cases, Religion influences the entire system of culture.在很多情况下,宗教会影响整个文化体系。

答案: 正确

22、 Learning to use a language simultaneously involves learning the culture.学习一种语言涉及学习相应的文化。

答案: 正确

23、 Introverted persons who find greater pleasure in solitude do not have interpersonal needs.内向的人往往在独处时感到更加快乐,并没有人际交往的需要。

答案: 错误

24、 Self-reflection only occurs in special moments of our lives, such as when we meditate, pray or write a diary.自省只会发生在我们生活中的特殊时刻,例如沉思,祈祷或写日记时。

答案: 错误

25、 Setting and environment shape the meaning you give to the symbols that you receive.环境形塑了您对所接受的符号的含义。

答案: 正确

26、 You are both a participant and an observer the communication you take part.您沟通交流的同时既是参与者又是观察者。

答案: 正确

27、 Knowing the world better and considering the possibilities of human lives can be an intrinsic motivation to learn intercultural communication.更好地了解世界并思考人类生活的可能性可能是学习跨文化交流的一种内在动力。

答案: 正确

28、 The cultural specific approach is superior to the cultural general approach because there is no universal traits and influences that can be transferred from culture to culture.坚持文化特殊性的方法优于文化一般性的方法,因为没有可以从一种文化转移到另一种文化的普遍特征和影响。

答案: 错误

29、 We should tolerate the ambiguity and confusion that usually accompany intercultural communication.我们应该接受跨文化交流中伴随的模棱两可和令人迷惑之处。

答案: 正确

30、 You should converse slowly and softly when engaging with people who speak loudly and fast. 与说话大声而快速的人沟通时,你应把语速放轻放缓。

答案: 错误

Chapter 3 Cultural Values and Patterns 文化价值与范式 单元测验

1、 What is “concept or idea that an individual or a group holds as true” in intercultural communication?在跨文化交流中,“一个人或一个团体拥有真实的概念或观念”是什么?

答案: Belief信仰

2、 Which of the following cases does NOT reflect the significance of value in culture?以下哪个案例中没有反映出文化价值的重要性?

答案: People form social organisations as a means of survival人们组成社会组织作为生存的手段。

3、 Which of the following statements is NOT a feature of cultural pattern?以下哪个论述不是文化模式的特征?

答案: Cultural patterns are coherent and consistent.文化模式是连贯且一致的。

4、 For Edward Hall, “cultural context” is:爱德华·霍尔提出的“文化语境”指的是:

答案: Information that surrounds an event.围绕事件的信息。

5、 In comparison to that with family members, communication with strangers tend to be:与家人相比,与陌生人的交流倾向于:

答案: Low context低语境

6、 People in high-context cultures can correctly decode the meaning of silence because高语境文化中的人们可以正确地解码沉默的含义,这是因为

答案: People in high-context cultures can identify the context of silence.高语境文化中的人们可以判断沉默的语境。

7、 Which of the following statements is NOT a component of individualism culture?以下哪项陈述不属于个人主义文化?

答案: Interpersonal relations are divided into in-group and out-group relations.人际关系分为内群体和外群体的关系。

8、 Communication in collectivist cultures tends to be high-context, because:集体主义文化中的交流往往是高语境的,因为:

答案: People in collectivist cultures place more emphasis on interpersonal harmony.在集体主义文化中人们更重视人际和谐。

9、 Which of the following characteristics is a feature of low-uncertainty-avoidance culture?以下那个选项是低不确定性规避文化的特征?

答案: People dislike the structure associated with the hierarchy.人们不喜欢与阶层相关联的结构。

10、 A person displays traits of high-uncertainty avoidance if she:一个人在以下情况下会表现出高度不确定性回避的特征:

答案: Emphasises tradition and consensus. 强调传统和共识

11、 Which of the following characteristics is a feature of a low-power-distance country?以下哪个特征是低权力距离国家的特征?

答案: Superiors want to look less powerful than they really are.上级希望自己看起来没有实际的强大。

12、 The terms “masculinity” and “femininity” used by Hofstede is referred to by other scholars as霍夫斯泰德提出的“男性气质”和“女性气质”被其他学者称为

答案: Career success and quality of life事业成功和生活质量

13、 Norway and Sweden are two nations at the top of Hofstede’s femininity ratings because in the two countries:挪威和瑞典是霍夫斯泰德认为的女性气质等级最高的两个国家,因为在这两个国家中:

答案: Emotional gender role overlap significantly.情感的性别角色重叠显著。

14、 Leon prefers a job that is easier and has higher payment at the beginning, but has low promotion potential, rather than a job that is hard and low-paid, but very good for your career development. We may say that Leon is in a莱昂更喜欢一开始比较容易,薪水较高,但升职潜力不大的工作,而不是辛苦且薪水低,但对职业发展有好处的工作。因此可以说,利昂处于

答案: Short-term oriented culture短期导向文化

15、 Men in masculine cultures are expected to:男性文化中的男性被认为是:

答案: Achieve excellent material production, service, and presentation.实现出色的物质生产,服务和表现。

16、 You always plan your travel in detail to reduce any unexpected risk that might arise. This indicates that you are a _ person.你总是详细制定旅行计划,以减少可能出现的意外风险。这表示你是一个_的人

答案: High-uncertainty-avoidance高不确定性规避

17、 Cultural behaviours are the outward manifestation of our internalised values and beliefs.文化行为是我们的内在价值观和信仰的外在表现。

答案: 正确

18、 The influence of cultural value can be found in almost every context of human activity. 文化价值的影响几乎体现在所有的人类活动的范围内。

答案: 正确

19、 Northern and Western Europe and North America are generally marked as high-context societies. 北欧和西欧以及北美通常被认为是高语境社会。

答案: 错误

20、 In comparison to low-context cultures, people in high-context cultures are more or less homogeneous.与低语境文化相比,高语境文化中的人们或多或少是同质的。

答案: 正确

21、 People in high-context cultures emphasise oral and written communications, rather than nonverbal messages.高语境文化中的人们强调口头和书面交流,而不是非语言信息。

答案: 错误

22、 People in high-context cultures place more emphasis on avoiding saying or doing things that could upset others and potentially damage relationships.在高语境文化中,人们更重视避免说或做可能有损他人或伤害关系的事情。

答案: 正确

23、 People in collectivist cultures are more likely to adopt a win-or-lose perspective in conflict management.在集体主义文化中的人在竞争中更有可能持有非赢即输的观点。

答案: 错误

24、 In comparison to that in low-uncertainty-avoidance cultures, students in high-uncertainty-avoidance cultures are more likely to be awarded for innovative approaches to problem-solving.与避免低不确定性的文化相比,避免高不确定性的文化的学生更有可能因创新解决问题的方法而获得成功。

答案: 错误

25、 In Cambodia and Thailand, people are expected to show respect for monks. When people encounter monks, they greet and take leave with formal greetings. In this aspect, we can say that Cambodia and Thailand are low-power-distance countries.在柬埔寨和泰国,人们对僧侣非常尊重。 当人们遇到和尚时,他们会打招呼并致以正式问候。 从这个角度来看,我们可以说柬埔寨和泰国是低权力距离国家。

答案: 错误

26、 Corporate organisations in China, which rank high on the long-term orientation scale, would focus more on obtaining market share and rewarding employees based on organisational loyalty.中国企业组织中,那些以长期导向为主的公司更多地专注于获得市场份额并基于对组织的忠诚度来奖励员工。

答案: 正确

27、 The employment structures of organisations in long-term orientation cultures are more fluid and、组织的结构在长期导向的文化中更加易变和短暂。

答案: 错误

28、 People in low-context communication might find silence uncomfortable. They feel a need to speak.处于低语境中的人们可能会对沉默的环境感到不适, 他们觉得有必要发言。

答案: 正确

29、 People in low-context communication are expected to communicate in ways that are consistent with their feelings.低语境文化交流中的人们主要以与自己的感受相一致的方式进行交流。

答案: 正确

30、 The majority of the world’s population lives in collectivistic societies. In these societies, group interests take precedence over those of the individual. 世界上大多数人口都生活在集体社会中,在这种社会中群体利益优先于个人利益。

答案: 正确

31、 Companies in short-term oriented cultures spend more time building situational ethics and self-discipline.处于短期导向文化的公司会花更多的时间建立情境伦理和自律性。

答案: 错误

Chapter 4 Cultural and Identity 文化与认同 单元测验

1、 In the following answers, which one is not correct about Identity.在下面的回答中,哪一个关于身份的解释是不正确的?

答案: It can be defined or explained adequately.它可以被充分地定义或解释。

2、 According to Fong’s definition, which statement of identity is not related to his opinion.根据方的定义,哪一种关于“身份”陈述与他的观点无关?

答案: The identification of communications of a shared system of symbolic verbal and nonverbal behavior that is meaningful to group members who have a sense of belonging and who share traditions, heritage, language, and similar norms of appropriate behavior.识别符号语言和非语言行为的共享系统的身份沟通,这对有归属感的群体成员和共享传统、遗产、语言和适当行为的类似规范有意义。

3、 When we talk about race and identity, in the following answers, which one is not correct about racial identity?当我们在谈及种族和身份的时候,在下面的回答中,哪一个关于种族身份是不正确的。

答案: Race can not be used to categorize people.种族不能被用来分类人。

4、 Where does not the most influential Chinese perspectives on the issue of gender come from?中国对性别问题最具影响力的观点来自哪里?

答案: Hinduism印度教

5、 What does gender identity not refer to.性别认同不包含下列哪个概念?

答案: Biological sex or sexual identity.生理性别或性身份

6、 In the following answers, which one is not correct about Ethnic identity.在以下的回答中,哪一个是不正确的民族身份?

答案: Most people consider their ethnic identity to come from the family.大多数人认为他们的种族身份来自于家庭

7、 According to the Fifth National Population Census of 2000, what percentage of the Chinese population dose Han Chinese account for?根据2000年第五次全国人口普查,汉族人占中国人口的百分比是多少?

答案: More than 91%超过91%

8、 Where are not the 55 minority ethnic groups distributed extensively throughout different regions of China?下列哪一个地区不是55个少数民族分布散居的地区?

答案: Middle part of China中国的中部地区

9、 Which five autonomous regions are set up to deal with their own affairs under regional autonomy?中国设立了哪5个自治区,在区域自治的情况下处理各自的事务?

答案: Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Ningxia and Tibet内蒙古、新疆、广西、宁夏、西藏

10、 In the following answers, which one is not correct about national identity?在以下的回答中,关于国家认同,哪一个是不正确的?

答案: Most people associate their national identity with the nation where they were getting education.大多数人将他们的国家身份与他们接受教育的国家联系在一起

11、 Which major stages has Chinese society progressed through?中国社会经历了哪些主要阶段?

答案: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society, and Socialist Society.原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会、半封建半殖民地社会、社会主义社会

12、 Which Dynasty is the oldest dynasty in China?中国最古老的王朝是哪个朝代?

答案: Xia Dynasty夏朝

13、 In the following answers, which one is not correct about individuals from the northern part of Belgium?在以下的回答中,哪一个关于来自比利时北部的个体的描述是不正确的?

答案: They take Belgians for regional identity.他们把比利时人当作地区认同

14、 Which answer is correct about identity development?关于身份发展,哪个答案是正确的?

答案: It can be described as the dynamic process of familial influences, cultural socialization, and personal experiences.它可以被描述为家庭影响、文化社会化和个人经历的动态过程

15、 Jean S. Phinney (1992) developed a three-stage model of ethnic identity development,which stage is not included?Jean S. Phinney(1992)提出了一个民族认同发展的三阶段模型,没有包括哪个阶段?

答案: Identity achievement can not provide greater self-confidence and enhance feelings of personal worth.身份成就不能提供更大的自信和增强个人价值感

16、 Identity is an abstract, complex, dynamic, and socially-constructed concept. 身份是一个抽象的、复杂的、动态的、社会建构的概念。

答案: 正确

17、 It is easy to construct a single, concise definition of identity.我们很容易为身份定义一个单一而简明的定义。

答案: 错误

18、 Modern science has discovered very little genetic variation among human beings, which enhances the belief that race can be used to categorize people. 现代科学几乎没有发现人类之间的基因变异,这增强了种族可以用来对人进行分类的信念。

答案: 错误

19、 Today, racial classifications and identity are usually associated with a person’s external physical traits.种族分类和身份通常与一个人的外在身体特征联系在一起。

答案: 正确

20、 Gender identity is similar with biological sex or sexual identity. 性别身份与生理性别或性身份相似。

答案: 错误

21、 Gender identity varies across cultures and is constantly changing. 性别认同因文化而异,并在不断变化。

答案: 正确

22、 A culture’s gender norms can not influence career decisions. 一种文化的性别规范不能影响职业决策。

答案: 错误

23、 In today’s China, masculinity markers include the centrality of work and education, being a successful provider and protector, and the accumulation of wealth and power. 在今天的中国,男性的标志包括工作和教育的中心地位,成为一个成功的供养者和保护者,以及财富和权力的积累。

答案: 正确

24、 Ethnic identity is derived from a sense of shared heritage, history, traditions, values, similar behaviors, geographical area of origin, and, in some instances, language. 民族认同源于共同的遗产、历史、传统、价值观、相似的行为、起源的地理区域,在某些情况下,还有语言。

答案: 正确

25、 Some people’s ethnic identity is derived from a cultural grouping that transcends national borders and is grounded in common cultural beliefs, practices, and in many cases, a shared language. 有些人的民族认同源于一个超越国界的文化群体,并基于共同的文化信仰、习俗,在许多情况下,还基于共同的语言。

答案: 正确

26、 National identity is a person’s identity or sense of belonging to one’s hometown. 国家身份是一个人对自己家乡的认同或归属感。

答案: 错误

27、 National identity becomes more pronounced when people are away from their home country. 当人们远离自己的祖国时,国家身份变得更加明显。

答案: 正确

28、 Food culture has nothing to do with identity. 饮食文化与身份无关。

答案: 错误

29、 Identity development can be described as the dynamic process of familial influences, cultural socialization, and personal experiences. 身份发展可以被描述为家庭影响、文化社会化和个人经验的动态过程。

答案: 正确

30、 Media affects little in the development of your identity. 媒体对你的身份发展几乎没有影响。

答案: 错误

Chapter 5 Culture and Verbal Communication 文化与语言交流 单元测验

1、 A sign has two components, one is the signifier, the other is:

答案: Signified

2、 Which of the following statements is NOT a characteristic of language?

答案: Language is explicit.

3、 A signifier is:

答案: A sign’s physical image and appearance.

4、 Which is the following statements is NOT a function of language?

答案: Language constitutes the entire system of communication.

5、 The basic idea of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is:

答案: People live in partial worlds constructed by different languages.

6、 If a language has a particularly rich vocabulary for a thing or activity in comparison to other languages, that thing or action is usually ______ in that culture.

答案: Significant

7、 Which of the following arguments does NOT support the criticism of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

答案: Some concepts in a particular language are untranslatable.

8、 Dialects are different from accents in that

答案: Whereas accents refer to distinctive pronunciation, dialect refers to spoken grammar and vocabulary as well.

9、 Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the use of Argot language?

答案: To clarify the meaning of words.

10、 Which of the following is NOT a defining feature of German language usage?

答案: Ambiguity

11、 What is the “functional equivalence” in translation theory?

答案: The equivalence between readability and readers/listeners’ responses in the source and target language.

12、 Which of the following is NOT a criterion in selecting an interpreter?

答案: Select an interpreter who can add what you omit or forget to say in your speech when interpreting.

13、 When you are participating in a situation which requires an interpreter, you need to:

答案: If your audience appears confused, stop and ask for questions.

14、 What is NOT a benefit of learning a second language.

答案: It is an easier way of transcultural learning compared to other methods.

15、 You are communicating with a person whose culture emphasises the importance of keeping face. She appears confusing by what you say. In this situation, you should NOT:

答案: ask: “Do you understand what I mean?”

16、 There is no inherent or intrinsic reason to use a particular word to represent a particular object or idea.

答案: 正确










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